Thursday, May 13, 2010

Final Review - Ceramics

Create your own sms poll at Poll Everywhere

Wedging is the term for "de-airing" clay in order to make it more workable.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Sunday, May 2, 2010

May 3 - 7

Lesson: Mixed Media Relief Collage
Project Objectives: create a relief collage with the following
• Correctly render facial features, each on individual 4x6 drawing paper: eyes, nose, and mouth
• Use journal techniques to create a mixed media background using a “shape” motif and a color scheme
• Use paper sculpture techniques to create a sense of relief between the motif shapes and the features drawings

Monday: Work on contour project.
Tuesday: Last day to work on contour project. Contour Drawing due!
Wednesday: Using 4x6 drawing paper, render these facial features in pencil value: eyes, nose, and mouth.
Thursday-Friday: Begin working on background collage using a shape motif and journaling techniques.

Extra Credit Journal assignment is due on Monday, May 10, NO EXCEPTIONS!\

Monday, April 26, 2010

April 26 - 30

Lesson: Line Contour with color emphasis

Project Objectives: create a drawing with the following-

  • Thoroughly plan a composition with visual movement
  • Create a focal point using color for an object in the still life
  • Use descriptive contour lines to describe the still life
  • Demonstrate knowledge of mark-making by using both thick, thin, and cross-contour lines.

  • Monday: Introduce drawing project by revisiting both blind and modified contour drawing. Students need to be able to recognize the difference between the two types of drawing.
  • Tuesday: Work on cutting out the objects of the still before it is assembled. Use scrap paper and make sure you show the details in the silhouette of the cut paper.
  • Wednesday: Looking at the still life arrangement - begin assembling the cut paper objects focusing on overlapping and placement.
  • Thursday-Friday: Make 3 thumbnails and begin drawing the still life. Use pencil to sketch in the big shapes, then thick pen for the main focus of the drawing. Use thin sharpie for the background drawing and the details. - all are due on MONDAY, May 3rd!